
Showing posts from January, 2020

Three Reasons Why Your Kitchen & Bathroom Exhaust Fan is Important than You Think

Kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans are often underappreciated for their continuous work in today’s homes. Most homeowners even forget about its maintenance, and when it malfunctions, everything stops right there. Indeed, exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom make homes safer, energy-efficient, and fresh smelling.  In case you are wondering what, possibly, these fans do for you. Be assured that these have a primary function: to move air from rooms outside. However, exhaust fans in the bathroom and kitchen share different functions. In the bathroom, fans do the job of removing steam in hot showers. Understandably, most bathrooms are small and easy-to-open windows rarely installed. Also, these fans are the only way for steam to have an escape route.   In Kitchen, exhaust fan installation is either above the stove or above microwave assembly. It vents sticky-steam from cooking/boiling, practically saving your kitchen from humid air. In addition, it removes strong, d